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Complaints Procedure

BUSK Complaints Procedure

  1. 1.   Introduction
    1. 1.1 BUSK is committed to ensuring its work is of the highest quality and believes that effective investigation of complaints and learning from these are an important part of that commitment.
    1. 1.2 This policy and procedure sets out the arrangements which BUSK has for the investigation and resolution of complaints, and for learning from these. 
  1. Definition- Whatis a complaint?

BUSK welcomes comments and suggestions about how it can improve its work. These comments may sometimes be critical and when these are heard or received, they will be responded to in a polite and constructive manner. These would not ordinarily be considered as a complaint, unless the person making the comment or suggestion indicated they wish it to be treated as such.

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, either written or spoken. A

complaint can be made by an individual or a group. People may wish to complain if they are not satisfied with the way they have been treated or with the service they have received from BUSK

Examples of complaints could include dissatisfaction with any aspect of the organisation’s work, including a service, a campaign, a fundraising activity, or policy.

Most straightforward complaints will be able to be addressed immediately in conversation, by email, or by using social media at the time at which the complaint is made, wherever appropriate using the same medium of communication as used by the complainant.

It is important to bear in mind that the seriousness of a complaint will be specific to the individual (indeed different complainants may take a different view about the seriousness of the same issue of complaint), and all complaints should therefore, be treated by BUSK as serious and requiring resolution. The large part of this policy & procedure describes the steps to be taken when a complaint can’t be addressed immediately and straightforwardly.   

BUSK will also often receive compliments and thanks for its work. These should also be acknowledged immediately and should be forwarded to so that they can be acted upon.   

    1. 3.     Principles of BUSK's complaints policy and procedure
    1. 3.1 The following principles are used :
  • BUSK recognises that compliments and complaints are an important part of customer feedback.
  • The procedure is fair to people using services or experiencing BUSK’s work, complainants and to staff
  • The procedure is accessible to all regardless of age, disability, gender, ethnicity, belief or sexual orientation
  • Making a complaint will not harm or prejudice the service that is given to the complainant
  • Concerns and complaints are dealt with efficiently and are properly investigated
  • Complainants are treated with respect and courtesy and receive appropriate support throughout the handling of the complaint
  • Complainants receive a timely and appropriate response, identifying the outcome of any investigation, wherever possible
  • Action is taken where necessary in the light of the outcome of the complaint
  • Learning from complaints will be used to improve BUSK’s work.
    1. 3.2 In line with these, in responding to complaints, BUSK will
  • Provide a thorough explanation
  • Accept shortcomings and apologise where appropriate
  • Identify actions and reduce the risk or re-occurrence.
    1. 4.   Who can make a complaint?
    1. 4.1 This procedure is anyone who has received a service from BUSK in return for payment.
  1. SectionA- Complaints about BUSK:

BUSK’s Two stage process

5.1 If a complaint is about BUSK then there are two stages which can be used to try and resolve the problem.

The stages are:

5.2 Stage One (Informal)

In the unlikely event of a complaint, it is most likely that it can be resolved informally. This is the most appropriate route for most concerns and issues especially those that do not indicate serious misconduct and where the complainant agrees.

Complainants are encouraged to speak openly about their concerns and can be assured that their concerns will be treated seriously by BUSK.

BUSK’s response will aim to satisfy the complainant that his/her concerns have been taken seriously and an apology and explanation offered as appropriate. The response will also refer to any remedial action that is to be taken.

To make an informal complaint a person should speak to or email the individual(s) concerned and try to resolve the complaint informally.

It is also possible, at any point, to contact the BUSK Director to express a concern or comment about any aspect of the organisation’s work.

5.3 Stage Two (Formally registering a complaint)

If a complainant is not satisfied with the response they have received at Stage One (informal), or would prefer their complaint to be formally investigated, they should then use Stage Two of this procedure. The following arrangements are in place for Stage Two complaints.

    1. A) Complainants can outline the details of their complaint in writing or electronically and send it to the BUSK Directors whose contact details are prominently displayed on the BUSK web site

All complaints will be acknowledged and dealt with by the BUSK Directors in writing (by post or email) letter within five working days from the date it is received. The letter will contain the following information:

  • The date the investigation will start.
  • Where a complainant has given the details of the complaint verbally the letter will also include a summary of the complaint written down
  1. B) People will ordinarily receive a full response to their complaint within a maximum of 20 working days from the date of the acknowledgement letter in writing from a BUSK Director. The response may include the following information:
  • Details of the investigation and what has been found
  • A decision about whether the complaint was upheld or not
  • Details of the changes BUSK will make to prevent a recurrence of the issue/s which led to the complaint
  • The reason for the decision
  • The redress, if appropriate, which will be offered e.g. an apology and/or remedial action.
  • If it is not possible to provide a full answer to a complaint within 20 working days, the a BUSK Director will, in any event, write at 20 working days to provide a progress report explaining the reasons for delay and give a date of when it is expected the investigation will be completed.

The decision of a BUSK Director is final.

6.0 Recording complaints

6.1 All complaints about BUSK’s work will be recorded in a complaints register as soon as they are received. This will be held by the all BUSK Directors and will include: 

  • Date received and unique reference number 
  • Contact details of the person making the complaint
  • Details of the complaint
  • Dates by which initial and final correspondence is due to be sent
  • Copies of all documentation, including complaint letter, investigation Report, correspondence with the person making the complaint
  • Details of final outcome.
    1. 7.0 Investigating Complaints

7.1 All investigations will seek to:

  • Identify and understand the circumstances which led to the complaint being made
  • The steps which could be taken to prevent a reoccurrence of any such circumstances
  • Preserve the confidentiality of the complainant other than where strictly needed for the purposes of investigation
  • Present the outcome clearly and logically in writing, addressing each aspect of the complaint
  • To establish whether to uphold a complaint (in full or in part) or not


8.0 Disciplinary procedures

8.1 BUSK would ordinarily not disclose details of disciplinary action that has taken place as a result of the complaint to the complainant, bearing in mind the rights of staff to confidentiality.

9.0 All persons acting on behalf of BUSK

9.1 All persons acting on behalf of BUSK have a responsibility to ensure that:

  • All complainants are listened to and treated with respect and courtesy at all times
  • Where possible verbal complaints are constructively resolved at the time, making sure that complainants receive a full response with an apology where appropriate
  • Refer letters of complaint immediately to a BUSK Director.