Established in 1997, Anglia Tours has grown into one of the largest independent schools' history tours operator in the UK, offering tours to locations across the UK, Ireland, Europe and America. We are proud to be one of the few tour companies that is a BUSK Approved. We were awarded this status because we take the safety of students, teachers and coach drivers extremely seriously. We demonstrate this by ensuring that the coach drivers driving you, are provided with suitable accommodation so they are able to rest, relax and sleep properly whilst off duty. This way they will be more refreshed and alert each time they begin a driving shift. On journies that require travelling through the night, drivers are provided with a day bed so they can rest and sleep ahead of the ovenight drive. Our membership of BUSK Approved requies us to be audited every twelve months to evidence that we meet BUSK's safety standard.
For more information on coach driver fatigue visit the Nightcap page on this website:
Anglia's team of almost 50 expert guides are based across the UK and on mainland Europe. They include individuals with years of experience in education, the armed forces and the police. Whether you are looking for a soldier's perspective on the battlefields of France and Flanders, or, an academic approach for an A level tour to Berlin, Anglia Tours has just the guide to meet your unique needs. We are confident that no other UK Schools' Tours Operator can match this commitment!
What makes Anglia Tours different?
We do not offer the same itinerary to each school. Dependent on the age of students and what they are studying, we build an itinerary around visits to the places they want to include. Whatever students are studying, whether it's the First World War; Democracy and Dictatorship in Germany; 'Injuries, treatment and the trenches on the Western Front', or, a host of other modules, we will provide you with a bespoke progamme designed specfically to support your classroom-based teaching. The fact that our guides remain with the group throughout the tour means we are able to offer programmes that enable schools to achieve more in less time. As an example, those who travel with us on a one-day trip to Ypres, will cover far more in a single day than most other operators will offer in two days.